Leap Into Reading

Monday, September 26, 2011

Notes from September 24 meeting

Thank you to all parents and staff that attended our September Parent Meeting about How to help our students be organized.
Several of the ideas that were shared are listed here:

  • Try and maintain some sort of schedule so there are expectations. Ex: children know that homework always comes right after school or right after dinner.

  • Have specific area set aside for homework so there are limited distractions, such as dining room or a desk in their own room.

  • Help children be organized by making a spot for backpacks. This way they won't be forgetting where they left it.

  • Try to end activites early so that children have a chance to "wind down" before bedtime.

  • Homework started at "Y" or babysitters or Daycare should be looked over at home by parents.

  • Have children start using an alarm clock to get themselves up in the morning.

  • Use a bulletin board/whiteboard to post important papers so they can be seen easily.

  • Use a calendar and different colored pens for each child to mark upcoming events.

  • Students can write out their schedule for the week so they know what is coming up.

  • Establish a nightly routine. Ex: dinner, homework, playtime, read before bed, then bedtime.

  • Assignment notebooks help alot in older grades.

  • Organize bookbag the night before so everything is ready to go.

  • Go through school papers together, so you both know what was brought home.

  • Provide cubbies, hooks or other dedicated space for kid's belongings.

  • If you are an organized person, maybe your children will be too!